ø wḏȝ
snḏw ḥs
« Prospère est l’homme respectueux, loué le mesuré,
« Prosperous is the respectful man, praised is the measured (one),
" ناجحٌ هو الرجل المُوَقَّر، ممدوح مَنْ يملك زمام نفسه،
ø wn
ẖn n grw
le baldaquin est toujours ouvert pour le réservé !
the canopy is eternally open to he who is discreet!
المِظلة مفتوحة دومًا للكَتوم!
ø wsḫ
s.t n
.t hr
m mdww
Importante est la position de celui qui reste serein dans le discours !
Important is the position of he who remains calm throughout the speech!
واسعة هي مكانة مَنْ يبقى هادئًا في الكلام!
spd ds.w r th
C’est contre qui sera sorti du chemin que pointeront les couteaux,
It is at those who wander from the path that the knives will be pointed,
سَتُصَوَّب السكاكين ضد مَنْ سَيَحِيد عن الطريق،
nn ḥn n js ḥr sp=f
et il n’y aura point d’autre affaire que son acte !
and there will be no other matter than their act!
ولن تَبقى سوى أفعاله!
How to use
Before specifying the parameters below, please add a question mark at the end of the URL of the current page.
Select the verses
- To select a verse, enter its number after verses= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select several non-consecutive verses, enter their numbers separated by an underscore _ after verses= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select several consecutive verses, enter their numbers separated by a pipe | after verses= at the end of the URL of the current page.
Select format
- To select the hieroglyphic transcription, specify h after type= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select the Manuel de codage transcription, specify mdc after type= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select transliteration, specify e after type= at the end of the URL of the current page.
To select several of these formats, separate the h, mdc and e values with a pipe |.
Select language
- To select the French translation, specify fr after lang= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select the English translation, specify en after lang= at the end of the URL of the current page.
- To select the Arabic translation, specify ar after lang= at the end of the URL of the current page.
To select several of these translations, separate the fr, en and ar values with a pipe |.
To combine these parameters, separate verses=, type= and lang= with an ampersand &.
Example: https://prisse.ifao.egnet.net/verse?verses=G1|G5&type=h|mdc|e&lang=fr|en|ar